Adjust margins (only required for direct printing)
Select background color
Add new curve
A new chart will automatically be inserted so that the sheet is completely
covered. Changes are possible later at any time.
X and Y axes will automatically be added using the predefined properties.
The range fitting to the data curve will be also done automatically.
The measured data can be entered in the Dialog for data curves
by clicking the Edit data button either manually
or by import from a CSV file. Next to this, you
can edit the display properties of the data curve as desired.
After clicking the OK button, the new chart will be displayed.
Adjust margins (only required for direct printing)
Select background color
Add new function
A new chart will automatically be inserted so that the sheet is completely
covered. Changes are possible later at any time.
The X axis will automatically be created using the predefined properties.
Adjust the X range as desired.
The Y axis will also automatically be created using the predefined properties.
The range will automatically be adjusted according to the function results.
Enter the formula for your function in the Dialog for functions
and edit the display properties as desired.
After clicking the OK button, the new chart will be displayed.
Adjust margins (only required for direct printing)
Select background color
Add new bar chart
A new chart will automatically be inserted so that the sheet is completely
covered. Changes are possible later at any time.
X and Y axes will automatically be added using the predefined properties.
The range fitting according to the data will be also done automatically.
The measured data can be entered in the Dialog for bar charts
by clicking the Edit data button either manually
or by import from a CSV file. Next to this, you
can edit the display properties of the chart as desired.
After clicking the OK button, the new chart will be displayed.
Dr. J. Rathlev, 24222 Schwentinental, Germany, April 2020