
Personal Backup Version 5.9

© 2001 − 2018, Dr. J. Rathlev

Keyboard shortcuts

The following shortcuts will call the main functions of the program directly. The shortcuts are independent of your language setting.

Keyboard shortcut Function
Ctrl 1 Open the 1st automatic backup task
2 Open the 2nd automatic backup task
3 Open the 3rd automatic backup task
4 Open the 4th automatic backup task
5 Open the 5th automatic backup task
6 Open the 6th automatic backup task
7 Open the 7th automatic backup task
8 Open the 8th automatic backup task
9 Open the 9th automatic backup task
0 Open the 10th automatic backup task
Shift + Ctrl 1 Open the 11th automatic backup task
2 Open the 12th automatic backup task
3 Open the 13th automatic backup task
4 Open the 14th automatic backup task
5 Open the 15th automatic backup task
6 Open the 16th automatic backup task
Ctrl T Select the destination directory
D Add a directory to be backed up
P Automatic backup with Windows Task Scheduler
B Show directories to be backed up
S Edit task settings
O Edit task options
U Show and select subdirectories
F Edit file filter settings
Y Select file types
Shift + Ctrl D Edit filter for subdirectories
A Apply filter for subdirectories
F Edit file filter
Y Edit type filter
Escape Move program to background if automatic backup tasks are active

J. Rathlev, 24222 Schwentinental, Germany, December 2016